This is How to Manage Kid Temper Tantrum: 8 Golden Tips

Learn how to deal with kid temper tantrum following these tips...





There’s not a parent on this planet that hasn’t been tripped up by a kid temper tantrum at least once. These usually start happening around age 2 or 3, phasing out by age 4. While you might hope it will only happen inside your home, I can assure you that even the best-laid plans come undone.
Since 23% to 83% of children ages 2 to 4 have occasional temper tantrums, knowing how to handle a kid temper tantrum can help you through this challenging stage.
These 8 golden tips will help whether you’re in the middle of the mall when a full-blown meltdown occurs as I was or at home.

1. Try to stick to a routine

Little kids thrive on routine. Not knowing what’s happening makes them a bit cagey, hence why the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends routines and schedules.
Do your best to keep each day roughly the same with activities, meal times, naps, and bedtime. Children that know what to expect are less likely to act out.

2. Keep your child informed when things change

Tying in with my last point, there will be times when you’ll need to deviate from the norm. Some things can’t be helped like a last-minute change of plans. However, when you are doing something different, like attending an event or visiting someone else’s home, it helps to talk to your child several days before. This way, they know what to expect and it doesn’t make them feel uneasy. In fact, they might be excited!

3. Give a countdown before leaving

One thing I’ve found to work exceptionally well (and still use with my kids now that they’re out of the kid temper tantrum phase) is to tell them in advance of when we’re leaving.
Whether we’re going to the store or we are playing at a friend’s home, I give a countdown to when we are leaving. When you set this expectation, your child will know that they should prepare to leave soon. They don’t get upset and leave without incident.

4. Be consistent with discipline

Don’t let your child get away with bad behavior. Consistency is the key to curbing it. You have to respond the same way each time to a kid temper tantrum so your child will learn there are consequences.
It’s very normal for little ones to test boundaries (along with our patience!). However, staying focused on discipline will help you curb this kind of behavior while eliciting more of the behavior you’d like to see.

5. Acknowledge good behavior

Another parenting gem I’ve picked up along the way is to praise good behavior. REALLY praise it, because you are much more likely to get a repeat performance of that good behavior.
While kid temper tantrums would have you believe otherwise, children really want to make us happy with their behavior.
If your child does something good like sit and wait patiently for you while you speak to another adult, make a huge deal about it. Do so verbally and perhaps with a sticker or some other treat and you’ll likely find more of this golden child behavior in your future.

6. Make time for you and your child

We all get busy with work and our grown-up responsibilities. However, as I just mentioned above, children want our attention. If they don’t get enough of it, they will do something to get noticed, and believe me, it isn’t always pretty.
When our kids misbehave, we tend to put a lot of attention on it. Encourage the right behavior by giving your kids one-on-one attention which makes them feel safe and loved. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but that little bit of positive interaction each day can help keep kid temper tantrums from arising.

7. Let your kids have a little control

Even small children need to learn how to make decisions. Give them a taste of control in a simple way. I’ve always asked my kids to choose between 2 pairs of shoes before leaving or ask them which food they’d prefer at dinner.
Giving a choice lets them FEEL in control while you really have the control. These simple choices put them more at ease and are less likely to turn into a kid temper tantrum.

8. Know what to do if none of these tactics work

Even if you plan ahead and do everything pediatricians advise, you’re still bound to get a kid temper tantrum here and there. Most parents don’t know what to do when they’re caught in the middle of them. That’s why you should have a plan ready should one arise, no matter where you are.

Final words

Always keep this list tacked up on the bulletin board in your brain:
Remove your child from the situation if you’re in public. For example, quietly pick them up and take them outside of the restaurant if they start a kid temper tantrum.
Stay strong and don’t give in. Setting boundaries and limits only works when you stick to them.
Use a gentle voice to help reel them in, no matter how loud the kid temper tantrum gets. Your calmness is like the lighthouse on the shore guiding the ship through rough waters safely home.
Master the art of distraction to diffuse the tantrum. Little ones don’t exactly have a rigid attention span. Your diversion can make them forget why they were throwing a fit in the first place.
At home, you can ignore a kid temper tantrum. Make sure they are in a safe space and let them work out those frustrations. However, be sure they can see that you are near and calm. They will come to you when they’ve let it all out and will soon learn that this behavior won’t get them their way.

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